This true story from Tamil Nadu's Tirukadaiyur temple recounts the the story of Shri Subramania Bhattar, a priest who, despite facing severe trials, remained steadfast in his devotion towards Devi Abhirami. His Bhakti was rewarded when the goddess herself transformed a new moon night into a full moon, silencing his doubters. This tale serves as a powerful reminder that, even in our darkest times, unwavering faith and surrender to the divine can help us find light.
Tag: <span>Shakti</span>
Hindu Love Stories by Aditi Banerjee – A Review
In this review of "Hindu Love Stories" by Aditi Banerjee, we learn about the author's motivation behind writing the book; and her treatment of her characters. She brings forth the popular tales, as well as some lesser known ones; and shows us that some of the lore known to us as tales of duty and surrender can also be viewed from the Hindu view of love, which is very different from the single-hued romantic love marketed by the West.
Brahmanism 103: The Discovery of Bharat-Mata as Adi Shakti-pith
Mata as Adi Shakti-pith
Surya discovered Bharat-Mata and the Ṛta is the pattern in which She brings Maya as Adi-Purush and Adi-Shakti still continue to discover each other.
Thillai Nataraja – The Regenerative Force of Life
The boundless Shakti present in Chidambaram helps our consciousness to come out of its slumber and start the regeneration process.
नव-दुर्गा (Nav-Durga)
शक्ति की अभिव्यक्ति, देवी माँ के नौ रूपों से दर्शायी जाती है।
Women in Vedic Culture
The respect and honour that vedic traditions had for women needs to be preserved, in order to address the turbulence which exists in modern society.
The one who stands apart
Bhairava, the terrifying form of Shiva, inspires fear as he strikes at the root of all fear, the ego.