This true story from Tamil Nadu's Tirukadaiyur temple recounts the the story of Shri Subramania Bhattar, a priest who, despite facing severe trials, remained steadfast in his devotion towards Devi Abhirami. His Bhakti was rewarded when the goddess herself transformed a new moon night into a full moon, silencing his doubters. This tale serves as a powerful reminder that, even in our darkest times, unwavering faith and surrender to the divine can help us find light.
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सावन और सृजन
सावन, समर्पित, मान्य, पवित्र प्रेम का उत्सव है। वो प्रेम जो अमरनाथ की कन्धरा में अमर है।
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Behavioural Game Theory approach to inclusive growth
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