Since a civilisation is established by its people, if the community can no longer identify itself under any banner, the civilisation and, ultimately, the State perish. Under such conditions, the future of Indic culture is bleak.
Category: <span>PERSPECTIVE</span>
The Deity: D-scale of Dharma
On objects like vessels, over time sediments accrete and coat the surface. The process of removing the accretions and restoring the shine is known as 'descaling.' Similarly with Deities, over time sentiments and fallacies have formed a layer over our beliefs. This D-Scale can be used to assess that and clean our attitudes towards the deities.
Chequered Brilliance of Raja Man Singh of Amer
The often mischaracterised Raja Man Singh of Amer was a dharm-rakshak who only had the best Hindu interests at heart.
Let’s have some faith
India's laws are still stuck in the colonial era where natives were not considered good enough to manage their own institutions.
Why I became a Dharma Slacktivist
The overall campaign from various fronts targetting Hindus is massive but that should only make us fight harder.
Gandhi: How history might remember him
Mahatma Gandhi's follies are often ignored as in the public imagination his saintly nature always shines through.
Rāsa Lilā through an Abrahamic Lens – A Modern Hindu Malady
The moralistic standards set by Abrahamic religions have had a devastating impact on the psyche of modern Hindus.
Abjure or Appropriate Ambedkar
Should Hindus or Hindutva, abjure or appropriate Ambedkar?
Caste-System – Pointers for the social media world
A poor understanding of the caste system puts Indians on the backfoot as they fumble when the topic is brought up.
The anatomy of the Left’s intellectual superiority complex
The Left and its culture of silencing opposing views through bullying tactics is rooted in its superiority complex.