Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan, often seen only through the lens of Chandar Bardai's Prithviraj Raso, seems to be like any other Rajput king at first - the text emphasises his personal life more than his military might or any other facet.
This article aims to make a well-rounded conclusion about Prithviraj's character and his primary basis for deciding between friend and foe, and establishes him as a hero and saviour for Hindus.
Author: Yogendra Singh (Yogendra Singh)
The Military Genius of Babu Kunwar Singh
One of the most accomplished military leaders of the First War of Independence, Babu Kunwar Singh, feared by the British more than any other, did not get his due in recorded accounts.
This post is an analysis of his methods as well as victories, establishing his military genius.
The Constituent Assembly And Its Approach To Religion
The makers of the Indian constitution were focused more on controlling Hinduism than allowing it the freedom given to other religions.
On Secularism And Its Adoption By The Indian State
Indian courts today are actively employing a method, created by the Christians and for the Christians, in matters related to Hinduism.
Chequered Brilliance of Raja Man Singh of Amer
The often mischaracterised Raja Man Singh of Amer was a dharm-rakshak who only had the best Hindu interests at heart.
The mighty myth of Sikhs saving Hinduism
The narrative of Sikhs coming to the aid of Hindus needs to be re-examined.
Feminism and Hindu Tradition
The influence of neo-Christian values through liberal doses of feminism is causing irreparable damage to Hindu society.
The Ādi-Varāha of North – King Bhoja Pratihār
It is unfortunate that the legacy of a ruler of such great strength, achievements and contribution like Mihir Bhoja is being tossed back & forth for short-sighted political gains.