The lack of understanding of Dharmic knowledge and its gradual dilution has left a void in our society which has been filled by self-proclaimed experts who act as scholars.
Tag: <span>dharma</span>
क्या भारत कभी कट्टर हिन्दू राष्ट्र बन सकता है?
The Purpose of Defending Dharma
Dharmic principles form the bedrock upon which Indic civilization has thrived and hence need to be propagated as well as defended.
Globalisation, Economy and Rashtra in Dharma traditions
Dharmic knowledge is an untapped resource which could help alleviate many problems of the modern world.
Dharmic view on Interfaith Dialogue and Coexistence
**Disclaimer: Neither this piece, nor its author feigns possession of any insight whatsoever into the realm of the mystic, where constructs such as nāma (names), rūpa (forms) and mātrā(degree/quality) reportedly do not matter. It is only in that mystical dimension that such markers of the mundane world are rendered invalid, whereas elsewhere they wield enormous influence on the jīva, the transient...
The Harihara war: A war between the Lords
Warring lords show us what it takes to uphold Dharma.
Catholic Ashrams: Adopting and Adapting Hindu Dharma
Instead of outright denouncement of the native Hindu culture, missionaries have adopted the tactic of inculturation to help get converts.
विश्वास की एक बूँद
जीवन में भक्ति और विश्वास का स्थान स्थिर है जिसे आधुनिक जीवन के उथले सिद्धांत नहीं ले सकते ।
Why all religions are not the same
A synopsis of "The heathen in his blindness", in which Professor S. N. Balagangadhara demolishes the idea of analyzing non-Abrahamic cultures through the western religious framework obsessed with theory-making.
Sarva Dharma Samabhava
The slogan of all religions being equal is a gross misrepresentation as their inherent aspirations differ greatly.