Ilayaraja's view on the resurrection of Jesus Christ compared to his beloved Ramana Maharshi has sparked debate.
Tag: <span>conversion</span>
April 4, 2018August 26, 2020ESSAY
Catholic Ashrams: Adopting and Adapting Hindu Dharma
By: Sita Ram Goel
Instead of outright denouncement of the native Hindu culture, missionaries have adopted the tactic of inculturation to help get converts.
February 15, 2018August 26, 2020EXCERPT
Sarva Dharma Samabhava
By: Koenraad Elst
The slogan of all religions being equal is a gross misrepresentation as their inherent aspirations differ greatly.
January 20, 2018August 26, 2020EXCERPT
By: Priyvrat Gadhvi
The Padmavati controversy exposes the problem of intellectual exclusion amongst opinion makers in India.
December 12, 2017August 26, 2020EXCERPT
Indigenisation: A Predatory Enterprise
By: Sita Ram Goel
The urge to usurp native cultures and their philosophy in order to harvest souls has been the calling card of Christianity from the time of its inception.