Lack of awareness of Svadharma among individuals in a society leads to increased suffering, not just for humans but the whole biosphere.
Category: <span>COMMENTARY</span>
This business of naming
Renaming roads and buildings is an important exercise in decolonization and the urge is just another expression of language and cognition.
India and the human cycle
How Sri Aurobindo's theory of human cycles applies to the contemporary world and what does the future look like for the east and the west.
Crisis in American higher education: Pitfalls and Opportunities for India
With the growing presence of the online teaching medium, India can reclaim its stature of being a knowledge producing hub, disrupting the hold of Western institutions and helping subject matter experts outside the walls of academic fortresses, have their voices heard.
American Progressives also typify others: Olmsted and Pollock
There are striking parallels between the seemingly progressive yet deeply prejudiced views of leftist American intellectuals of the 19th century and today.
Science, Secularism and Saturn
The interplay between rationality, politics and Hindu tradition is much more complex than westerners or elitist Indians imagine. The worship of reason at the expense of traditional wisdom of the diverse communities in India creates artificial fault lines in the social fabric of the country and can have serious long term implications.
Devadasi – The Fallen Idol
Once sought for their extraordinary talents in the creative arts, now reduced to a forgettable chapter in India's history, the Devadasis have endured it all.
An open letter to Ma Durga
How the original 'idea of India' is no different from the reverence for Durga, the mother of the Universe.
Who is Shiva?
Shiva is nothingness and is also the Adi Yogi, the first Yogi, guru of all other yogic masters we know. His greatest gift to the world is his guide to the inner world.