Upon Hearing A Dhrupad

"One that gave sound as could tame a brute"

Mohiuddin Dagar was on his lute,

One that gave sound as could tame a brute;

Upon the Veena of Rudra, like a rapt god he played

The alaap of Yaman – and an empyrean tune was made.

And then my life’s burden was taken,

From a deadly stupor I was shaken –

And before me, to my amazement I found:

Vāṇī, the Goddess of Speech, unconfound.

About Author: Sreejit Datta

Sreejit Datta is an educator, researcher, and social commentator, writing/speaking on subjects critical to rediscovering and rekindling the Indic consciousness in a postmodern, neoliberal world. Presently a fellow of the Rajeev Circle Scholars (RCS) Program – a prestigious book-writing fellowship offered by the Motwani Jadeja Foundation (Palo Alto, USA) – Datta is deploying his scholarly insights to write a monograph that will chronicle the history of revolutionary nationalism in Bengal during the early decades of the twentieth century from an emic viewpoint. A poet, translator, and trained musician, Datta hails from the city of Calcutta in the Indian state of West Bengal. He can be reached at: Email: sreejit.datta@gmail.com Blogs: https://medium.com/@SreejitDatta http://chadpur.blogspot.in/

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