The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo leads us to a future where the Consciousness of man will rise to usher in a new era for humanity.
Tag: <span>sri aurobindo</span>
sri aurobindo
April 12, 2018August 26, 2020ESSAY
Ramayana in the Light of Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo's grasp of the essence of the Ramayana is truly unique.
August 18, 2017August 26, 2020PERSPECTIVE
Freedom, Krishna and Sri Aurobindo: The Civilisational Vision of India
Krishna’s eternal message in the Bhagavadgita is the civilizational vision of India that inspired its freedom struggle and found a new expression in the writings of Sri Aurobindo.
July 13, 2017August 26, 2020ESSAY
Did Sri Aurobindo Take the Easy Way Out?
A casual glance at Sri Aurobindo's life would make you believe that in order to avoid the vagaries of life he chose the spiritual path, in reality, it was anything but.
May 26, 2017August 29, 2024COMMENTARY
Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri
A poem which went through several revisions over 50 years, each time renewed with the growth in Sri Aurobindo's consciousness.
April 4, 2017August 29, 2024ESSAY
Integral Yoga – The All in One Yoga
Yoga teaches us how we can grow spiritually through the work that we do, and how we can use every event in life for spiritual growth.