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The Hārītīputras — Contesting distortionary narratives about the origins of the Ćāḷukyās

The Hārītīputras — Contesting distortionary narratives about the origins of the Ćāḷukyās

Anirudh Kanisetty’s book ‘Lords of the Deccan’ claims that the Ćāḷukyās were originally agriculturalists who formed into bands of brigands going about looting villages and towns, amassing wealth which emboldened them to lay claim to the terrorized territories as sovereigns, legitimised by védic sacrifices.
Lakshmi Prasad J, in his rebuttal, researches and unearths that the Ćāḷukyas of Bādāmī claim descent from Hārīti, a royal matriarch from antiquity, associated with a string of illustrious dynasties. The matronym, Hārītīputra finds mention in the royal panegyrics of at least half a dozen dynasties of Deccan.
With so much information about Calukyas being available in public domain for decades now, one expects a young researcher to be better informed and not get influenced into weaving Bollywood-esque portrayal of our ancestors.