Sita Ram Goel’s "Hindu Society Under Siege" is a compelling analysis of the historical, cultural, and ideological challenges confronting Hindu society. Shri Goel examines how residues from foreign invasions—Islamic, British, and colonial ideologies—continue to undermine Hindu unity and cultural revival. A profound exploration of India’s civilizational ethos, the book calls for Hindus to unite and reclaim their heritage.
Tag: <span>communism</span>
The Fate Of Muslims Under Soviet Rule : A Review
"Communism, as the logical outcome of materialism, cannot but be hostile to religion in all its aspects. Thus from the very beginning, the Communists aimed at the destruction of religious belief and worship in Soviet Russia."
Halley Kalyan pens a review of “The Fate Of Muslims Under Soviet Rule” - a booklet about Soviet government rule in regions that had a significant population of practicing Muslims, by Erich W Bethman (1958); and highlights the shared antagonism towards religion (Hinduism in particular in the Indian context) between the Communist dogma and the Indian version of Secularism.
British Punjab’s Language Crisis: Bhagat Singh’s Perspective
Bhagat Singh stood for an amicable solution between Hindus & Sikhs and believed that Punjabi will come closer to Hindi when it adopts the Hindi script and attempts to create its literature.
What if We don’t Free Hindu Temples?
The utmost importance of freeing Hindu Temples from State control becomes clearer if we just look at the historical precedent.
Words Which Defy Dictionaries
The language of the Leftists to anoint themselves as superior to others is a tactic that showcases them as superior.
Brainwashed Republic
Decades of propaganda in our school textbooks have brainwashed our youth into despising their own heritage.
Nobody should be persecuted BY a faith
The recent World Watch List by a company called Open Doors falsely implicates India as being a country where Christians encounter massive persecution.
Seeds that were to sprout
Marx's philosophy of a supposed harmonised social system garnered many followers, though in time people still connected with the Hindu ethos realised its severe limitations.