The Arthaśāstra's exposition of state craft and intelligence gathering showed Kautilya's remarkable acumen and his treatise as the high-water mark of Indian polity.
Category: <span>ESSAY</span>
Buddha, Shankara and Vivekananda – Milestones of Indian spirituality
The three great sages of the Indic spiritual tradition, while reacting to the times they lived in, gave expression to the same truth in different ways.
Integral Yoga – The All in One Yoga
Yoga teaches us how we can grow spiritually through the work that we do, and how we can use every event in life for spiritual growth.
Politics and the writing of textbook
A look at how history textbooks in India were shaped to suit the political narrative of those in power.
Is India’s National Anthem secular?
Survey of the origins of the various National Anthems in Europe and a study of the final choice for the Indian anthem throws up interesting questions and amusing answers.
The problem of evil – A Vedantic perspective
The problem of good and evil stems from a dualistic view of the Universe that sees the creator as a separate benevolent being personally dispensing justice from the heavens.
Why I'm learning Sanskrit?
Sanskrit with its abundant literature draws you continuously and ignites such passion in your heart that it is tough to let go.
Woman in Indian history: A few vignettes from epigraphy
Through the centuries, misconceptions have arisen about the role of women in Indian society, often neglecting to mention the diverse roles that they played.
On the most iconic picture in Hinduism (Part II)
Lord Krishna's words help Arjuna face his fears and fight to protect Dharma.
Akka Mahadevi’s Complete Surrender
The poems of Karnataka’s Virasaiva saints embody the deepest devotion to Siva and point us to the highest reaches of spiritual attainment.