Category: <span>ESSAY</span>

AIT and the science of linguistics

AIT and the science of linguistics

Linguistics is a field far away from the wild speculations of folk etymology and while it may not have the relative certitude of the exact sciences, it is nevertheless a scientific enterprise that opponents of the Aryan Invasion Theory may do well to familiarize themselves with, if they hope to win the debate at some point in the future.

Tyaga – The Vitalizing Force of the Indic Civilization

Tyaga – The Vitalizing Force of the Indic Civilization

Introduction “If you can’t practice it, don’t cheapen the ideal. Say that you aren’t strong enough” Swami Vivekananda said of Tyaga or renunciation. Renunciation makes you strong but as pointed out in an article here. it also needs extreme strength to practice. But then what should one to do gain this strength? And more fundamentally how...