Second in the list of the great Mahavidyas, the tantrik goddess, Tārā, is terrifying in appearance and yet is the one who saves, guides and protects. She ultimately helps her devotees to cross the ocean of duality.
Category: <span>COMMENTARY</span>
Guha's Golwalkar (Part 1)
Noted columnist Ramchandra Guha completely misunderstands and therefore, misrepresents, the influence of Golwalkar's ideology on the RSS of today.
Bhagvada Gita and violence (Part 2)
Understood in its philosophical context, the final word of the Gita is a call for oneness, harmony and the greater good of all.
Bhagvada Gita and violence (Part 1)
Bhagvada Gita is unambiguous in its endorsement of Ahimsa as the highest ideal. However, what constitutes Ahimsa goes beyond mere non-violence on the physical plane of being.
Sanskrit: Its Importance to Language
A language which spawned the birth of many Indo-European languages, its realization could only have come through divine means.
The Gita in Today’s World
It can find relevance in the modern age where ego and mass greed has replaced the dharmic way of life whilst also preventing the escapist mentality from permeating through.
Agni – The fire within
Agni's powers of transformation have for long been invoked by sadhakas to make rapid progress in their spiritual journey.
Layers of Reality
How Sri Aurobindo's interpretation of Vedanta encourages the life-enriching element of spirituality for both the ascetic and materialist in order to raise universal consciousness.
I for Ishvara
To understand one’s relationship with God, one must first understand the meaning of God or Ishvara. In the vision of the Shruti, Ishvara is the all-intelligence which is both the maker and the material of this entire universe, including I, the individual entity. Let us understand this briefly. If we look at our universe, we find that...
Shiva’s symbolism (Hindi)
हिन्दू धर्म को समझने की एक लोकप्रिय विधि है हमारे देवी देवताओं के स्वरुप और चिह्नों पर गहरा विचार करना और इनसे सीख प्राप्त करना।