Category: <span>COMMENTARY</span>

Academic bullies

Academic bullies

Audrey Truschke may have an eminent position in the academe, but the record of her ideological and academic mentors is such that she must be more restrained in how she engages with and addresses the 'outsiders'.

Karma in Advaita Vedanta

Karma in Advaita Vedanta

In the vedantic view, karma must be shunned to make way for knowledge. However, what constitutes karma is not outward action but the feeling of 'doership'.

Beef against beef

Beef against beef

The discourse on the issue of beef ban in various states of India and the ensuing political war is strangely negligent of the ethos behind the enactment of these laws.

Guha's Golwalkar (Part 2)

Guha's Golwalkar (Part 2)

Examining Ram Guha's perception of Guru Golwalkar reveals not only the studied superficiality of Nehruvian secularists but also serious flaws in the strategic thinking of 'Hindu Nationalists'.